Salam syg sume :)
This week dh masuk week 11 of pregnancy..excited sangat nak tunggu week 12 onwards..sebab bole taw gender bb..i excited nak bb girl..but hubby dun mind bb girl or boy janji bb sihat dan cukup sifat..bukan apa i nak pakaikan bb headband & dress comei2..hee ^_^
So far im gettin better..already gain back my appetite,i think so..sebab lastnite i berselera sgt makan nasi sampai 2 pinggan..lastime nasi mmg i x layan lgsg..hubby said "bb mintak makan byk eh?"..haha..hopefully next checkup berat badan naik balik..last checkup berat turun..ho3..
ok 2je nak share..doakan yg terbaik ye.. :)
FYI...& me too :)
Pregnancy Week 11
How big is your baby?By the end of this week your baby's crown to rump measurement will be 4.1cm (1.61inch) and should be weighing about 7 grams, which is 0.25 ounce. At the moment your baby is about the size of a large lime.
Your baby's development
Your babys external genitalia are beginning to show distinguishing features now, however development into either male or female will only be complete in the next 3 weeks. You can view a video on genitalia formation in our pregnancy media section.
Babys eyes are still set wide apart at the moment, and this week the iris - the colored part of the eye - will begin to develop. Over the next 2-3 days the eyes lids will meet and fuse closed - this is temporary though.
Your babys head now makes up more than half of his/her length, and by now the brain inside that head will have the same structure as it will at birth. Your baby's reflexes are also beginning to develop and at this early stage if your baby's face is touched it will open his/her mouth.
Some other organs which have been developing and are almost complete already include: The pancreas, thyroid and gall bladder.
Your baby's intestines will also begin to move into the stomach from the umbilical cord over the course of this week.
Your development
Some women may notice a change in hair, fingernails and toe nails during their pregnancy. Some for the best and unfortunately, some for the worst. Some woman even loose hair during pregnancy. No mater what ever you may experience, it is not a permanent change, and things will return to normal shortly after the birth.
Your nutrition
Carbohydrates provide the primary source of energy for your developing baby and it also ensures that your body uses protein efficiently. Good sources of carbohydrates are:
Travel during pregnancy or a roll.Tortillas
Pasta, cereal and rice
Bread or a roll.
Many woman want to know if it is safe for them to travel during their pregnancy, in most cases if your pregnancy is uncomplicated and you are not at high risk then it is deemed to be acceptable.
The biggest risk of travelling during pregnancy is if complications arise while being away from those who know your medical history.
- Wear loose fitting clothes, and avoid wearing pantyhose
- Drink lots of water
- Get up and move around at least 10 minutes every hour
- Try and get an isle seat
- When driving anywhere, wear your safety belt
To know yours
then click pregnancy calendar
then choose the week of ur pregnancy
all u wanted to know about ur baby is there..
happy reading :)
insyaAllah emah,nanti berat u akan naik balik. mcm i, berat i naik pon lepas 3 bulan. sebelum tu, turun mendadak, banyak plak tu. tapi, naik tak mendadak plak. naik cket2. hehe
ReplyDeletesy pas 5 bulan, berat asyik nek dah tamau turun..awal2 2 mmg asyk trn je..hihi..11 minggu ni jgn wat kje berat2 ye..take care dear!
ReplyDeletebetul2! awal2 pregnancy mmg ramai mommies yg turun berat badan. don't worry. nnt die naik, kalu naik slow pon xpe..janji naik doc kate :)
ReplyDeleteveesakura: xperlu rsaw sgt kn..
ReplyDeletefiezaliesa: after 5month?aiyok..ok dear..thanks.. :)
ciksuen: rsaw jgk takot nurse marah lgpn x elok utk bb..last checkup nurse ada mmg xheran la kan berat turun..hee
saye aritu pon nak baby gurl sebab nak pakai kan barang2 baju cute kat die nanti..tapi tetap bersyukur biler dokter sahkan saye akan dapat baby boy nanti..:)